YMCA Ballarat

The YMCA has been​ operating children’s programs for the past 38 years. YMCA Ballarat has been active in the Early Years sector since the introduction of the previous Kindergarten Cluster Management model in 2003.

YMCA Early Years Management (YEYM) is now one of the largest Early Years Management organisations in Victoria, and continues to work with YMCA Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC), Vacation Care and Long Day Care in our commitment to planning and delivering quality education and care children’s services. 

The YMCA is a charitable, not-for-profit community service organisation, controlled and directed by a Board of community representatives. It aims to provide substantial benefits for the community with all surplus funds reinvested in YMCA services, especially programs that assist and empower young people who may be experiencing disadvantage.​

AMK is part of the YMCA Early Years Management group. As our EYM partner, YMCA Ballarat undertakes the day-to-day management of the kindergarten service. 

Contact YMCA Ballarat:

Telephone: (03) 4311 1500

Email: ballarat.earlyyears@ymca.org.au

YMCA Kinders Website: earlyyears.ymca.org.au

General EYM phone enquiries: 1800 KINDERS